Midweek Lent Service
Join us for Ash Wednesday Service at 7pm. Our special liturgy will focus on PRAYER, and the service will include Holy Communion and the imposition of ashes. Take-home ashes are available.

Adult Bible Study: The Book of James
The book of James has been discussed and debated for centuries! Martin Luther felt it shouldn’t be included in the Bible. ]
Come and learn more about this letter and the gift of God that enables God's people to live and grow in responsible maturity. This advice for responsible, faithful behavior is scattered throughout James.
This study will engage participants in tough questions about wisdom, growth and maturity.

Name Tag Sunday
When is the last time you were talking with someone & their name just slipped from your grasp? Well, we’ve got a solution for that! It’s Name Tag Sunday - the first Sunday of every month. Grab a name tag at the entryway, write your name, & go confidently into your conversations at St. Peter’s!

Midweek Lent Service
Join us for Ash Wednesday Service at 7pm. Our special liturgy will focus on PRAYER, and the service will include Holy Communion and the imposition of ashes. Take-home ashes are available.

Blood Drive w/ American Red Cross
Be a part of a life-saving cause! Schedule your appointment to donate blood at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church on April 10th.
Here are a few details to help you prepare:
Maximize your blood donation. Help more patients. If you are an eligible type O, B- or A- donor, consider making a Power Red donation. Red blood cells are the most commonly transfused blood component.
Please call 1-800-733-2767 or visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter SPLC to schedule an appointment.
Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting RedCrossBlood.org/RapidPass to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.

Palm Sunday Service — “Journey to Jerusalem” Youth Pageant
Join us for Palm Sunday Service at 10:30am. Our youth will be sharing the message for the day!

Family Event: Easter Egg Hunt
Join us for a family-friendly event hosted by our Education Team!
Kids of all ages will enjoy decorating their very own Easter Basket ... & making colorful eggs.
Please register ahead of time so we get an idea for supplies. You can sign up at the "Get Involved!" board at church or call 724.439.4730.
We look forward to seeing you!

Name Tag Sunday
When is the last time you were talking with someone & their name just slipped from your grasp? Well, we’ve got a solution for that! It’s Name Tag Sunday - the first Sunday of every month. Grab a name tag at the entryway, write your name, & go confidently into your conversations at St. Peter’s!

Summer Mini-Camp at St. Peter's!
St. Peter's is hosting a free three-day adventure for children in K - 5th grade, Tuesday 06/24 - Thursday 06/26 from 6 PM - 8 PM.
This exciting program will be fully staffed with adult volunteers and will include games, crafts, snacks, and fun ways for kids to worship God and learn about Jesus together. (Note: All volunteers have submitted state & federal background checks.)
Plus we'll wrap our adventure up with an all-ages ICE CREAM SUNDAE party on Thursday evening! Please invite ANY children in K - 5th grade, and be sure to fill out a registration form, (COMING SOON) … or email your interest to office@splcuniontown.org.
Alternatively, get a registration form through our office at office@splcuniontown.org or by calling 724.439.4730.

Sunday Worship Service
Join us in-person or online for Sunday worship services.
YouTube link: SPLC Uniontown - YouTube
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/splcuniontown
Worship Bulletin link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TfDD-uIzqahJr2DBsqk4twycBldl-3Bw/view?usp=sharing

Adult Bible Study: The Book of James
The book of James has been discussed and debated for centuries! Martin Luther felt it shouldn’t be included in the Bible. ]
Come and learn more about this letter and the gift of God that enables God's people to live and grow in responsible maturity. This advice for responsible, faithful behavior is scattered throughout James.
This study will engage participants in tough questions about wisdom, growth and maturity.

Midweek Lent Service
Join us for Ash Wednesday Service at 7pm. Our special liturgy will focus on PRAYER, and the service will include Holy Communion and the imposition of ashes. Take-home ashes are available.

Handbell Choir Practice
St. Peter's Handbell Choir is growing!
This new(ish) music ministry intends to share music at worship services a few times per year ... we’d love for you to be part of this ministry!
Some music knowledge is helpful, yet we can work with you if a refresher is needed!
Contact Missy McCann with questions: 724.970.0799
We would LOVE to have you join us!

Sunday Worship Service
Join us in-person or online for Sunday worship services.
YouTube link: SPLC Uniontown - YouTube
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/splcuniontown
Worship Bulletin link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TfDD-uIzqahJr2DBsqk4twycBldl-3Bw/view?usp=sharing

Midweek Lent Service
Join us for Ash Wednesday Service at 7pm. Our special liturgy will focus on PRAYER, and the service will include Holy Communion and the imposition of ashes. Take-home ashes are available.

Handbell Choir Practice
St. Peter's Handbell Choir is growing!
This new(ish) music ministry intends to share music at worship services a few times per year ... we’d love for you to be part of this ministry!
Some music knowledge is helpful, yet we can work with you if a refresher is needed!
Contact Missy McCann with questions: 724.970.0799
We would LOVE to have you join us!

Sunday Worship Service
Join us in-person or online for Sunday worship services.
YouTube link: SPLC Uniontown - YouTube
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/splcuniontown
Worship Bulletin link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TfDD-uIzqahJr2DBsqk4twycBldl-3Bw/view?usp=sharing

Adult Bible Study: The Book of James
The book of James has been discussed and debated for centuries! Martin Luther felt it shouldn’t be included in the Bible. ]
Come and learn more about this letter and the gift of God that enables God's people to live and grow in responsible maturity. This advice for responsible, faithful behavior is scattered throughout James.
This study will engage participants in tough questions about wisdom, growth and maturity.

Midweek Lent Service
Join us for Ash Wednesday Service at 7pm. Our special liturgy will focus on PRAYER, and the service will include Holy Communion and the imposition of ashes. Take-home ashes are available.

Handbell Choir Practice
St. Peter's Handbell Choir is growing!
This new(ish) music ministry intends to share music at worship services a few times per year ... we’d love for you to be part of this ministry!
Some music knowledge is helpful, yet we can work with you if a refresher is needed!
Contact Missy McCann with questions: 724.970.0799
We would LOVE to have you join us!

Chair Yoga for Everyone
Want a great opportunity to get together with a group of friends? Join us for Chair Yoga.
You'll practice a 45-minute chair yoga class appropriate for all experience levels of yoga (or no experience at all!). You'll mobilize all the major joints in the body, gently tone and stretch the muscles and finish with a guided relaxation to center your mind.
Class fee: $15 ($12 for seniors, over 65)
Class location: St. Peter's Lutheran Church, 121 Walnut Hill Road, Uniontown, PA. St. Peter's is a zero-entry facility, so no steps to navigate! Plenty of parking. Facility is climate-controlled with handicap-accessible restrooms. Doors will open at 11:15am.
Please pre-register with Erica Engel at erica@ericaengel.com or 509.406.0928.

Book Club Meeting
Join us for lively discussion about our favorite thing: reading books! We’ll meet in the conference room - or in our outdoor pavilion if weather permits! - after worship (grab a coffee & a snack in the fellowship hall, too!).
This month, our book selection is “Wish You Were Here” by Jodi Picoult.
All are welcome!

Adult Bible Study: The Book of James
The book of James has been discussed and debated for centuries! Martin Luther felt it shouldn’t be included in the Bible. ]
Come and learn more about this letter and the gift of God that enables God's people to live and grow in responsible maturity. This advice for responsible, faithful behavior is scattered throughout James.
This study will engage participants in tough questions about wisdom, growth and maturity.

Ash Wednesday Evening Service
Join us for Ash Wednesday Service at 7pm. Our special liturgy will focus on PRAYER, and the service will include Holy Communion and the imposition of ashes. Take-home ashes are available.

Drive-Thru Communion & Imposition of Ashes
Join us for Drive-Thru Communion and Imposition of Ashes between 11am and 1pm. Take-home ashes are available.

Handbell Choir Practice
St. Peter's Handbell Choir is growing!
This new(ish) music ministry intends to share music at worship services a few times per year ... we’d love for you to be part of this ministry!
Some music knowledge is helpful, yet we can work with you if a refresher is needed!
Contact Missy McCann with questions: 724.970.0799
We would LOVE to have you join us!

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
Join us for delicious pancakes, sausage & all the fixin’s as we resurrect St. Peter’s Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner! Our Service & Fellowship Team will be working in conjunction with the Youth Group to cook, serve & fellowship with you! This dinner is free to all, and 100% of your donation go toward the Youth Mission Trip … so come out, eat some great food, & support our youth!

Name Tag Sunday
When is the last time you were talking with someone & their name just slipped from your grasp? Well, we’ve got a solution for that! It’s Name Tag Sunday - the first Sunday of every month. Grab a name tag at the entryway, write your name, & go confidently into your conversations at St. Peter’s!

Handbell Choir Practice
St. Peter's Handbell Choir is growing!
This new(ish) music ministry intends to share music at worship services a few times per year ... we’d love for you to be part of this ministry!
Some music knowledge is helpful, yet we can work with you if a refresher is needed!
Contact Missy McCann with questions: 724.970.0799
We would LOVE to have you join us!

"Thanksgiving" Dinner (Volunteer Appreciation)
We invite you to join us, Dear Volunteer! Your hard work & dedication to the ministries of St. Peter’s does not go unnoticed! Whether you’re behind the scenes or out in front of the crowd, YOU BELONG & WE WANT TO THANK YOU!
Please RSVP at the Church Office or via email: office@splcuniontown.org.

Confirmation / Middle School Youth Group
All middle school youth are invited to join us for Confirmation / Middle School Youth Group! We will be learning about the Baptism and Holy Communion in Luther’s Small Catechism through games, activities, Bible study an discussion. For more information, please contact us at office@splcuniontown.or or 724.439.4730.

Handbell Choir Practice
St. Peter's Handbell Choir is growing!
This new(ish) music ministry intends to share music at worship services a few times per year ... we’d love for you to be part of this ministry!
Some music knowledge is helpful, yet we can work with you if a refresher is needed!
Contact Missy McCann with questions: 724.970.0799
We would LOVE to have you join us!

Confirmation / Middle School Youth Group
All middle school youth are invited to join us for Confirmation / Middle School Youth Group! We will be learning about the Baptism and Holy Communion in Luther’s Small Catechism through games, activities, Bible study an discussion. For more information, please contact us at office@splcuniontown.or or 724.439.4730.

Chair Yoga for Everyone
Want a great opportunity to get together with a group of friends? Join us for Chair Yoga.
You'll practice a 45-minute chair yoga class appropriate for all experience levels of yoga (or no experience at all!). You'll mobilize all the major joints in the body, gently tone and stretch the muscles and finish with a guided relaxation to center your mind.
Class fee: $15 ($12 for seniors, over 65)
Class location: St. Peter's Lutheran Church, 121 Walnut Hill Road, Uniontown, PA. St. Peter's is a zero-entry facility, so no steps to navigate! Plenty of parking. Facility is climate-controlled with handicap-accessible restrooms. Doors will open at 11:15am.
Please pre-register with Erica Engel at erica@ericaengel.com or 509.406.0928.

Book Club Meeting
Join us for lively discussion about our favorite thing: reading books! We’ll meet in the conference room - or in our outdoor pavilion if weather permits! - after worship (grab a coffee & a snack in the fellowship hall, too!).
This month, our book selection is “Wish You Were Here” by Jodi Picoult.
All are welcome!