Day 19 of the Luke Advent Challenge = Luke, Chapter 19
NOTE: Find the entire Luke Advent Challenge on our Facebook Page.
Day 19 of the Luke Advent Challenge = Luke, Chapter 19
Okay, so I'm totally going to dodge the hardest of all of Jesus' parables because I NEVER get to preach on the story of Zacchaeus. I think it always falls around Reformation/All Saints' Day and so it gets bumped for those readings...and yet, it is such a GREAT story!
Jericho is one of the oldest cities in the world. The top picture shows a "tell," where a city was built and rebuilt upon a city upon a city, and the pile of ruins created a hill. It is a strategically important area that sat on a plain that controlled both fords of the Jordan River, and access to the mountainous highlands.
Within the city, several large sycamore trees stand just like the one mentioned in the story of Zacchaeus. Several details of this story stick out to me and surprise me.
19:2 = he was a CHIEF tax collector and was rich. This is a great set up. We have already noted Luke's repeated emphasis on the challenge of wealth in following Jesus. Zaccheaus is also described as a high-level offender who is collaborating with the occupying powers and helping to oppress his own people.
19:5 = Jesus makes the first move, calls out to Zaccheaus, and invites himself over for dinner. This wrecks our perception that we must shape up and repent before God can be interested in us.
The community is understandably unhappy with this development.
19:8 = This is a decidedly Lutheran move. We do not make ourselves acceptable to God, instead, God accepts us when we are still stuck in sin, and that welcome changes us. Zacchaeus' repentance is a result of Jesus' love and welcome.
19:9 = TODAY. Salvation is in the present tense in Luke's gospel. We experience salvation and God's reign today and now when we turn from selfishness to care about our neighbors.
How has grace changed you? How has Christ's salvation changed you here, now, and today? I don't just need heaven someday. I need to change NOW! I long to live NOW!
...climb that tree, try to get a glimpse of the future, discover your value, and the value of your neighbor's well-being.
Peace be with you,
Pastor Jim