April 2022
Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.
-2nd Corinthians, 9:7-8
I’m not sure of the last time that I gave a sermon on financial giving. I don’t like to. I’m all too aware that on that ONE SUNDAY that I decide to talk about finances, there will be a visitor who was giving church one more shot…and all they heard was "the church asking for money." So, I’m going to try a letter instead. A letter to you, our most connected and committed folks who are invested in the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ.
Most months, we are not taking in enough financial support to fund our annual budget of approximately $200,000. We currently receive approximately $150,000 a year in congregational giving, which is almost enough to cover our yearly staff salaries for myself (Pastor), Regina (Church Musician), Erica (Office Manager), Kathy (Treasurer), and Ron (Church Facilities Manager). We remain fortunate to possess reserves that we can lean on during difficult times to make up the difference. However, like our household budgets, we only have so many reserves.
If this is where we need to remain right now as a church, so be it! We are living through a challenging economic time and certainly don’t want anyone to go without their basic necessities (food, medicine, transportation, housing, insurance…) in order to support your/our faith community. However, your congregational council and I thought it important to be transparent as to where we are currently as a church with our finances.
I would like to invite us all to keep our personal and church budget in prayer and reflect on these questions…
- How are my personal/family finances? Am I in a position to give and help others?
- Am I currently able to give to church? Is what I’m giving too much for my finances, appropriate, or too little?
- How is the church currently using its finances? What benefits do I receive from being part of a faith community?
- If I don’t have monetary resources to share at this time, is there another means by which I might be generous? Do I have time that I could offer as a volunteer? Do I have skills that I could offer as a volunteer?
Thank you for thinking, praying, and reflecting on our church and personal finances. If you have any questions or concerns about how our funds are currently being used, I or a Church Council member would be happy to talk with you! -- Peace, Pastor Jim