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Paint n Sip - an Art & Faith Series Event

  • St. Peter's Lutheran Church 121 Walnut Hill Road Uniontown USA (map)

Join Melissa for some Sips and Giggles! A great way to begin an art journey is with a guided how to painting. 

We’re going to look forward to spring and paint some grape hyacinth. Learn about color mixing in this entry level painting. 

 All supplies are provided, including a template of the subject for the evening. Mel will guide you through basic steps for starting, embellishing & completing your work of art -- and while all participants are creating from the same template, you'll be amazed at the variety amongst the works of your fellow artists!

Ages 12 and up recommended  but parents use your discretion. 

Snacks & non-alcoholic sips provided!

Pre-registration by February 6th is required. Sign up at the "Get Involved!" Bulletin Board at church, or call 724.439.4730 to register.

Suggested donation: $10

February 5

Service & Fellowship Team Meeting

February 15

Worship Team Meeting