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New Liturgy & Hymn Workshop

  • St. Peter's Lutheran Church 121 Walnut Hill Road Uniontown USA (map)

The Worship Team invites you to be part of introducing a NEW liturgy to our worship services!


What is “liturgy?” Here’s a bit from Hope Bolinger to help explain:

Have you ever received a bulletin at church that listed the events of that day’s service? Or perhaps the church displayed on a screen what songs they would sing, when they would take communion in the service, etc. If your church follows a string of events, they follow something known as liturgy.

We can often think of liturgy in terms of more traditional denominations following a strict pattern of events (more on this in a moment), but liturgy simply means a series of events a church follows throughout a service.

The actual English term liturgy stemmed from the 1550s, but the church has been following liturgy since its beginning. Let’s take a look at what the Early Church did in terms of liturgy.

Acts 2:42: “And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”

Here we have elements of liturgy. They had teaching, fellowship, communion, and prayers. Other parts of Scripture mention them singing hymns as well as diving into the Word. Or at least, the Word as they knew it. They slowly acquired the books of the New Testament throughout their history as copies circulated.


It’s time to learn something new about liturgy! Our church musician, Regina, & Pastor Jim will be guiding us through a NEW liturgy & NEW hymns during communion. Come & learn, come & sing, and/or come & just listen in!

August 27

Backpack / Work Bag Blessing

August 31

Education Team Meeting